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Perkembangan terkini COVID19 Malaysia pada 03 April 2020.

Jumlah kes baru positif pada hari ini adalah sebanyak 217 orang.
Jumlah keseluruhan kes positif di Malaysia adalah sebanyak 3,333 orang.
Jumlah pesakit discaj adalah sebanyak 60 orang. Ini menjadikan jumlah pesakit yang telah sembuh dan discaj ialah 827.

Pesakit di ICU adalah sebanyak 108 orang dan 54 daripada jumlah tersebut memerlukan bantuan alat pernafasan.

Dukacita dimaklumkan kes kematian pada hari ini adalah sebanyak 3 orang.
Keseluruhan kematian di negara kita setakat ini 53 orang.





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- If you are ill with fever and cough you should clean your hands frequently with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub.
- Stay at home. Do not attend work, school or public places. Rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food.
- Stay in separate room from other family members, but if not possible wear a medical mask and keep a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from other    people. Keep the room well-ventilated and if possible use a dedicated bathroom.
- When coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or use disposable tissue and discard after use. If you experience     difficult 
breathing, call your health care facility immediately.




(Source : World Health Organization (WHO) )

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Status COVID-19 di Malaysia sehingga jam 5 petang pada 02 April 2020.
Keseluruhan kes positif 3,116 dengan 24.61.% telah sembuh bersamaan 767 pesakit dan 1.60% atau 50 kematian.



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Kes Kematian Baharu #COVID19 di Malaysia setakat 5 Petang, 02 April 2020 adalah seramai 5 orang.

Ini menjadikan jumlah kes kematian setakat ini adalah seramai 50 orang.



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All women have the right to a safe and positive childbirth experience, whether or not they have a confirmed COVID-19 infection.

This includes:

- Being treated with respect and dignity
- A companion of choice
- Clear communication by maternity staff
- Pain relief strategies
- Mobility in labour where possible, and birth position of choice


(Source : World Health Organization (WHO) )